Many state economic development executives are expressing interest in knowing what colleagues in other states have done in response to the Coronavirus pandemic- in terms of policy, educating stakeholders and partners, collecting or providing information, etc. This page provides links to resources that we have become aware of, and will evolve as more information comes in. Please email us at if you have content from your state that you’d be willing to share with others.
Massachusetts Emergency Response Team Response to the Coronavirus
Carolyn Kirk of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative presented to the American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative on November 30, 2020 about the approach used by the Massachusetts Emergency Response Team, or M-ERT. Here are the slides used; for additional information, contact:
State Economic Development Organizations supporting business PPE needs during COVID-19
Hosted on July 30, 2020 by the NGA Center for Best Practices in partnership with the Pew Charitable Trusts and in collaboration with the State Economic Development Executives (SEDE) network.
- Mark Troppe, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness;
- Jason Kelley, General Manager, Blockchain Services, IBM; and
- Heather Johnson, Commissioner, Maine Department of Economic & Community Development.
Click here for slide deck.
Follow-Up Resources:
Resources on State Activities Addressing the Economic Impacts of the Pandemic
- State Economic Development Executives (SEDE) network resources
- Pew Charitable Trusts: “State Economic Development Officials Collaborate to Counter the Pandemic’s Impact” by Jeff Chapman & Alison Wakefield, State Fiscal Health, The Pew Charitable Trusts, May 5, 2020: Discusses efforts to bolster local economies and provide tools for the fight against COVID-19.
- NGA COVID-19 State/Territory Needs and Resource Matching: An online hub for businesses and other organizations with supplies or services to connect with states officials regarding critical needs.
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) State Actions on Coronavirus Relief Funds: To illustrate ways states are using federal Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) allocations, NCSL created a database detailing CRF actions. This database provides up-to-date, real-time information in the 50 states. Using NCSL’s database platform, the actions can be searched by state and category such as Small Business Relief, Unemployment/Workforce and others.
- Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) COVID-19 resource center.
- Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National Network: MEP is a public-private partnership with Centers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico dedicated to serving small and medium-sized manufacturers.
- Adjusting Incentive Performance Agreements: This guide from the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC) and Smart Incentives is intended to help states adjust incentive performance agreements in response to the current economic crisis. The document addresses issues to consider when adjusting the terms of existing incentive agreements for discretionary incentives that have already been provided to companies. The goals are to (1) help states frame policies in responding to business relief requests in a fair and consistent manner, and (2) provide a foundation for developing proactive policies to help reduce uncertainty for the businesses with whom the state has existing agreements.
Resources on States & PPE Production
- State Approaches to Increasing Production of PPEs: SEDE webinar, April 10, 2020, featuring Maryland, Michigan, and Georgia.
- “How Manufacturing Communities are Supporting Covid-19 Efforts,” American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative (AMCC)/CREC webinar recording and presentation on the Utah approach to using a new predictive analytics model for PPE production (a free open-source model developed in Washington in collaboration with Washington state).
- NGA PPE survey results & memo: NGA recently completed a survey to identify state approaches to addressing the need for PPE resulting from COVID-19. Topics covered included stockpiling efforts, and providing PPE for those in the states care, for small businesses, and for low-income households. A link to the survey results can be found here. In tandem with the survey, NGA also released the July 28 memo, Strategies to Address the Need for Personal Protective Equipment as States Gradually Reopen, which details current state efforts to secure PPE in the areas of stockpiling, spurring new production, and supporting the PPE needs of small businesses, in addition to long-term care and corrections facilities and vulnerable populations. States with questions or interested in participating in the continuing survey, can reach out to Lauren Wood,
- Compendium of Federal regulations & consensus standards for PPE
- Restart COVID-19 Response: Forecasting PPE needs & resources which include Guidelines, Toolkits, and PPE sources.
- Project N95: The National COVID-19 Critical Equipment Clearinghouse for PPE and critical equipment.
Interstate compacts and proactive responses to the pandemic and PPE production
- Governors of MD, LA, MA, MI, OH, and VA announce major bipartisan interstate compact for 3 million rapid antigen tests: This 6-state testing agreement is the first of its kind among governors during COVID-19. Louisiana Gov. Edwards, Maryland Gov. Hogan, Massachusetts Gov. Baker, Michigan Gov. Whitmer, Ohio Gov. DeWine, and Virginia Gov. Northam announced a major bipartisan interstate compact with the Rockefeller Foundation today to expand the use of rapid point-of-care antigen tests to slow the spread of COVID-19 and continue safely reopening the states. As the nation continues to face severe testing shortages and delays, this is the first interstate testing compact of its kind among governors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Hogan, in his final days as chair of NGA, negotiated the compact with the Rockefeller Foundation. The initial agreement includes six governors — three Republicans and three Democrats — and additional states, cities, and local governments may join the compact in the coming days and weeks.
- The Harvard Global Health Institute, Harvard’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Rockefeller Foundation, CovidActNow, Covid-Local, CIDRAP and others have joined forces to launch a new COVID Risk Level map and COVID suppression guidance, an educational dashboard for policy makers and the public. See also the extended map legend, Key Metrics for COVID Suppression: Researchers and Public Health Experts unite to bring clarity to key metrics guiding coronavirus response, July 1, 2020.
- Interstate compacts to support regional solutions for COVID-related response efforts from the director of Harvard’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Danielle Allen. Includes initiatives for ramping up testing, load balancing, investment in new technologies, and increasing production of PPE.
- Washington Post opinion (Danielle Allen, July 16, 2020)
- CNN interview (“We do know how to control this disease with testing and contact tracing,” Fareed Zakaria GPS, July 12, 2020)
- “Steady demand for PPE may encourage local businesses to start up production” Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 8, 2020. MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory study estimates daily demand in the millions for masks and gloves over the next 18 months in Massachusetts.
- Aspen Institute webinar: “Increasing Equity in a Post-Pandemic Economy: The Potential for Growing Worker Ownership.”
- Empowering One Billion Women: Connecting the world’s global brands, policymakers and media outlets seeking to allocate $1B in capital and contracts to qualified, vetted & trained women leaders and CEO’s.
New federal resource
State and local government agencies have a new option for procuring PPE: The Defense Logistics Agency has a new program that lets state and local government agencies procure in-demand PPE for public health workers and first responders using the federal government’s e-commerce platform, FedMall. The platform provides dynamic pricing and a secure shopping experience with pre-qualified suppliers. Offerings include cloth face masks, protective gloves, gowns, face shields, social distancing signage and more. Additional program information can be found here. Contact:
Promoting Interstate Collaboration for COVID-response Efforts
July 27, 2020
Danielle Allen (Harvard’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics & Harvard Global Health Institute) and Ben Linville-Engler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) discussed their recent work on promoting interstate collaboration to support regional solutions for COVID-related response efforts. Their work includes initiatives for ramping up testing, load balancing, investment in new technologies, and increasing production of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other consumables.
Click here for session recording.
Please see Danielle Allen’s interview “We do know how to control this disease with testing and contact tracing” on CNN (Fareed Zakaria’s GPS) and her pieces in the Washington Post and here for additional information on their research and recommendations.
Increasing Equity in a Post-Pandemic Economy: The Potential for Growing Worker Ownership
Sponsored by The Aspen Institute, May 19, 2020, 2:00-3:00pm
How Manufacturing Communities are Supporting Covid-19 Efforts
Thursday, May 14 from 11:30-12:30 EDT View webinar recording
Sponsored by the American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative and Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness
Presentation on the Utah approach to using the model:
Theresa A. Foxley, President/CEO, Economic Development Corporation of Utah
Presentation on the PPE predictive model:
Bharat Shyam,, co-founder Restart Partners, Entrepreneur
Rich Tong,, co-founder Restart Partners, Entrepreneur
Contact information for state leaders enabling use of the model:
Dr. Tulinda Larsen, Executive Director, UAMMI 443-510-3566
Sarah Lee, Washington Governor’s Sector Lead, Director of Advanced Manufacturing 206-898-2025
The Manufacturer's Guide to FDA Regulations, Guidance, and the Emergency Use Act
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 from 11-12:00 EDT Presented by FuzeHub in partnership with MedTech.
This webinar presented information on products regulated by the FDA, and a brief description of the FDA clearance and approvals process. They also discussed how the Emergency Use Act and COVID-19 related guidance can help manufacturers striving to produce medical devices during pandemic related shortages. Presented by: Michelle Bonn, President, Guideline Medical Consulting.
State Approaches to Increasing Production of PPEs and Medical Supplies
Friday, April 10 — 4:00-5:00 EDT.
The response to the Coronavirus pandemic. States are exploring appropriate roles that state agencies and officials can play, considering options for how to: engage the right partners to link demand with potential supply, tie together the suppliers of raw materials and component parts, and provide financial and technical assistance for companies willing to pivot. This webinar will highlight efforts in multiple states that have taken different approaches. It will provide examples and ideas that merit broader consideration.
Speakers: Kelly M. Schulz, Secretary, Maryland Department of Commerce, Mark Burton, President & Chief Executive Officer, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, and Bert Brantley, Chief Operating Officer, Georgia Department of Economic Development
Initiatives by Topic Area
State Recovery Plans
Manufacturing and Distribution of PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment)
The new organization N95 supports a National Clearinghouse for critical personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical supplies, protecting healthcare and front line workers by matching procurement teams with vetted suppliers.
This site provides an extensive list of Manufacturing Resources-House Manufacturing Caucus, including Sourcing for Supply Chain Responses; Critical Suppliers for PPE, respirators, masks, and ventilators; information from various Manufacturing Institutes and other manufacturing organizations; and Funding Opportunities.
This site, a comprehensive, searchable PPE-Info Database, serves as a compendium of Federal regulations and consensus standards for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The site is provided by the Centers for Disease Control.
This open source site on Google Docs includes links to manufacturing specifications for PPE, medical supplies, devices, and FAQs.
MIT cautions on using 3D printing to make masks.
In Italy, manufacturers have used a 3D-printed part to convert a scuba mask to a working ventilator mask. This link provides design drawing files and other information on that solution.
National Governors Association page of resources on PPE/Testing
NPR Morning Edition story-“Parable of the Piston”-making component parts for ventilators.
Arkansas-Supply Chain Checklist
California-Survey of manufacturers regarding how they can help re: PPEs
Colorado-Survey of manufacturers that can make PPEs;
Colorado-Survey to collect information on capabilities surrounding the checklist of manufacturing needs published by the White House;
Colorado-Corporate Volunteer Signup for Colorado Innovation Response Team
Connecticut-Database to organize efforts of manufacturers to support PPE production
Georgia-Form for manufacturers able to supply critical medical equipment
Kentucky-Hand Sanitizer Request Form
Maryland-Emergency Relief Manufacturing Fund
Massachusetts-Covid-19 Procurement Form
Minnesota-Stories of businesses “doing good”
Mississippi-List of needs PPE
Montana-How Manufacturers Can Help with Critical Supplies
New Hampshire-List of PPE Supplies Needed and Required Specifications
New York-Manufacturing Grants program $400,000 available to produce N95 masks and manufacture ventilators.
New York-stories about manufacturers doing their part
North Carolina-Form to collect information on manufacturing capabilities for PPEs
Ohio-Manufacturing Alliance to Fight Covid-19; Repurposing and Retooling to Make PPE
Ohio-PPE database (scroll down)
South Carolina-Emergency Supply Sourcing
Washington-Seeking to Fill PPE Shortages
Social Marketing/Messaging
- Good definition and overview of social marketing specific to COVID-19:
- Video from the International Social Marketing Association explaining what it is:
- COVID-19 resources from the ISMA:
- Other organizations:
- Johns Hopkins Center for Communications Programs: (focused more on international contexts)
- Abt Associates:
Managing Liability
Economic Impact of Covid-19
State-by-State Model of Economic Impact prepared by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
Arizona-Business Resources
Connecticut-Business Impact Survey
Hawaii-Dashboard Showing Coronavirus Economic Impact
Iowa-Economic Impact Survey
Maryland-Information for Business
Nevada-Survey to assess business impact
New Jersey-Information Hub
Ohio-Support for Ohio Companies and Economic Impacts:
- March 13 – Unchartered Territory March 15 – The Second Inning March 17 – A St. Patrick’s Day Unlike Any Other
- March 19 – Economic Fallout Now Estimated in Trillions March 21 – A World War Against An Unseen Foe
- March 23 – State Hiring Freeze & Budget Cuts March 26 – Federal Relief Passes Senate 96-0
- March 27 – House Approves (363-40) President Signs $2T Relief March 31 – First Quarter of 2020 Coming to An End
- April 1 – JobsOhio Commits $2M to ACG
Pennsylvania-Economic Injury Worksheet for Businesses
Rhode Island-Resources for Businesses
South Carolina-Survey of Business Impact
Utah-Plan for Recovery
Vermont-Business Update
Washington-Home page for Coronavirus Response and Crisis Planning Tools and Resources
West Virginia-Economic Impact
Wyoming-Impact on Tourism Business
Stimulus Package/CARES Act
Designations of Essential Businesses
National Governors Association matrix of state determinations (includes AZ, CA, CT, DE, HI, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, NV, NM, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, VI, VA, WA, WV, and WI)
Using NGA and MultiState Associates sources, NIST MEP has developed a state-by-state spreadsheet (CoronaStateIndustryStatus 3-31-20) detailing what kinds of businesses are open/essential right now, thinking about supply chains and where there might be disruptions or opportunities.
California-Governor’s Guidance
Maine-Essential Services Designations
Maryland-Governor’s Guidance on Determining Essential Businesses (Guidance COVID19-04, COVID19-05, and COVID19-06)
Minnesota-Critical Sector Worker Exemptions
Nevada Guide for Essential Businesses
New Jersey-Form to Determine Essential Status
New York-Guidance for Determining Whether a Business is Essential
Vermont-Guidance by Sector
Useful information on State Actions to Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19 from KFF (The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation); scroll down to see which states have implemented on non-essential business closures.
Access to Finance
General Resources
National Governors Association State Initiatives for Small Business Recovery
US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant. Guidelines for Eligible Activities to Support Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Response.
Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) Covid-19 Resource Center
SBA Report of EIDL Loans by State and Amount EIDL COVID-19 Loans 4.24.20
PPP Round 2 Report 5-08
SBA Report of EIDL Advances by State and Amount EIDL COVID-19 Advance 4.24.20
SBA Report of PPP Loans Awarded: PPP Report SBA 4.14.20
ALtogether business resource page. An online resource launched by the Governor as an up-to-date hub of information for the state’s response to the coronavirus crisis. The site is the state’s official guide to COVID-19 relief efforts and includes information about sub-state, regional, and private grants and loans.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Rural Development Initiative Fund. Provides private sector employment by financing the start-up and expansion of businesses that will create significant long-term employment. Loans may be made to a business located in a community with a population of 5,000 or less that is not connected by road or rail to Anchorage or Fairbanks, or with a population of 2,000 or less that is connected by road or rail to Anchorage or Fairbanks.
Business Resources Landing Page. Provides access to Business Resources available to support responses to Covid-19.
AZ Local Impact Fund. Provides funding for companies headquartered in AZ for at least a year and doing business in the state. Applicants must explain how COVID-19 has impacted the business and how funds will be used.
Growth Partners Arizona — Kiva Tucson crowdfunded loans and the Small Business Success Loan. Kiva Tucson offers no-interest, no-fee, community-backed business loans from $1,000 to $15,000 that are crowdfunded on Kiva’s world-wide online platform. Growth Partners Arizona, in collaboration with the Business Development Finance Corporation offers Small Business Success Loans of $10,000-$75,000 to qualified small businesses for business growth and expansion, equipment, long-term working capital, tenant improvements, and consolidation of more expensive debt.
Quick Action Loan Program. A $7 million loan fund for companies in the supply chain of essential goods and services, including healthcare, food manufacturers, and logistics.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Small Business Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee Program. Companies with fewer than 750 employees that have been impacted by Covid-19 can apply through a participating lender and use funds for business continuity.
Jump Start Loan Program. Small businesses in low-wealth communities can apply for loans. Funds can be used for Start-up and Ongoing Costs, Inventory, Acquisition/lease of real property, buildings, machinery and equipment, or Construction/repair of buildings, machinery, and equipment.
California Capital Access Program CalCAP. A loan loss reserve program that may provide up to 100% coverage on losses as a result of certain loan defaults.
Relief Fund. Organizations helping with the response to COVID-19 are eligible to apply for up to $25,000, which can support work in three categories: prevention, impact, and recovery efforts. This will include things like medical and cleaning supplies, small business support, and others.
Recovery Bridge Loan Program. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
Connecticut Manufacturing Innovation Fund Voucher Program (MVP). Provides for grants of up to $75,000 to assist in the production of critical equipment and supplies needed to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. Total funds available of $1.3 million can be used for working capital, new equipment, and other purposes that help companies build capacity or repurpose their operations and requires a one-to-one match from participating businesses.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Hospitality Emergency Loan Program.
Rebuild Florida Business Loan Fund. Provides an eligible business with up to $500,000 in financing for inventory purchases, construction or renovation, working capital needs, machinery and equipment purchases, or equipment financing to help with long term economic recovery.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Small Business Emergency Loan Fund. Offers small businesses with fewer than 50 workers and less than $3 million in revenue low interest loans of up to $50,000. Loan funds must be used for working capital.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Indianapolis Chamber Rapid Response Loans – Business Ownership Initiative. The Indianapolis Chamber created the Rapid Response Loan Fund through its Business Ownership Initiative (BOI) as an affordable option for loans ranging from $1,000 to $25,000. Loans can be used to pay employee salaries, insurance premiums or as a bridge loan until additional funding kicks in from a business’s bank or from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Small Business Relief Fund. Offers eligible small businesses grants ranging from $5,000-$25,000 in addition to offering Iowa businesses a deferral of sales and use or withholding taxes due. No longer accepting applications.
Targeted Small Business Sole Operator Fund. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
Business Resources Landing Page. Provides access to Business Resources available to support responses to Covid-19.
Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency (HIRE) Fund
Business Resources Team Kentucky Landing Page and Kentucky Chamber. Provides access to Business Resources available to support responses to Covid-19.
Louisville Small Business Continuity Loan Program. The loan program will provide zero-interest loans, with no payments for 12 months, to very small businesses (10 full-time employees or fewer) impacted by COVID-19. Small businesses can receive up to $25,000 to cover immediate expenses.
Business Resources Landing Page. Provides access to Business Resources available to support responses to Covid-19.
Small Business Loan Portfolio Guaranty Program. The program will offer loans of up to $100,000 to Louisiana small businesses of fewer than 100 employees impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Offered through a partnership of Louisiana Economic Development (LED), which will provide a loan guaranty fund; the Louisiana Bankers Association (LBA), whose participating members will offer the loans; and the Louisiana Public Facilities Authority (LPFA), which will administer the program.
COVID-19 Relief Business Direct Loan Program. Provides FAME Direct Loans of up to $50,000 with special terms available to Maine-based businesses experiencing interruption or hardship due to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Relief Interim SBA Finance Loan Program. Provides FAME Direct Loans of up to $100,000 with special terms available to eligible borrowers who provide proof of commitment for SBA financing.
Emergency Relief Manufacturing Fund. This $5 million incentive program helps Maryland manufacturers to produce personal protective equipment and other items identified as Critical Needs Items by MEMA and DGS, that are urgently needed by the State of Maryland, Maryland-based hospitals and healthcare facilities, and emergency and first responders.
Emergency Relief Funds for Businesses. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted for the Small Business Relief Grant and Loan Programs; check site for further updates.)
Small Business Recovery Loan Fund. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.) Provides $10 million total in emergency capital, up to $75,000 per applicant, to Massachusetts-based businesses impacted by COVID-19 with under 50 full- and part-time employees.
Michigan Strategic Fund Awardee Relief Initiative. The MSF Awardee Relief Initiative program authorizes emergency relief to businesses and community projects that have previously received grants, loans, or other forms of economic assistance from the Michigan Strategic Fund.
Pure Michigan Business Connect Emergency Access and Retooling Grants. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
Small Business Relief Program. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
Small Business Emergency Loans. Loan program to assist small businesses directly and adversely affected and whose industry is named in Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08 following the COVID-19 pandemic. Provides working capital to help businesses sustain operations. Businesses should apply directly through a certified lender.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Montana Facility Finance Authority, Emergency Loan Program. The Emergency Loan Program makes short-term loans to eligible businesses at competitive interest rates during periods of declared emergency. Eligible projects include construction and renovation, facility acquisition, refinancing of qualified outstanding debt, the purchase of equipment, operations expenses, and financing costs.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
New Hampshire
Business Finance Authority (BFA)-CAP The Capital Access Program. A simple and flexible credit enhancement for small businesses utilized by New Hampshire banks that provides support on term loans and lines of credit up to $200,000. The program can be used for temporary loans, working capital, equipment purchases, and long term uses.
BFA Temporary Loans. Direct loans are available from the Business Finance Authority for any business purpose with a maximum of $200,000 and a maximum term of three years. Loans have flexible amortization schedules and are contingent on satisfactory underwriting. Loans require approval by the NH Executive Council.
Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA). Grants, Loans and Tax Credits to assist municipalities, nonprofits and businesses to meet their current and ongoing needs, up to $500,000.
New Jersey
Emergency Assistance Eligibility Wizard. This tool walks business owners through a series of questions that clarify what support programs (State Emergency Assistance programs and the SBA disaster loan program) they may qualify for to help stabilize operations and get back on a pathway to growth.
Economic Assistance for Businesses. FAQs for businesses on a range of topics regarding new programs, applications, fund availability, and related topics.
Economic Response Package. Describes the overall approach and individual programs offered for small business assistance.
New Mexico
Loan programs offered by the NM Small Business Investment Council. NMSBIC funds for businesses affected by the COVID-19 crisis will be provided through lending partners at a discounted interest rate. Based on need and business considerations, below market interest rates as low as 3.75% may be available to impacted businesses for up to 36 months.
New Mexico Recovery Fund. Loans for companies that employ more than 40 employees in New Mexico.
New York
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
NYC Business Continuity Loan Fund. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
North Carolina
Rapid Recovery Lending Program. Loans are available for up to $50,000, based on the business’s current revenue to bridge the gap between when a crisis strikes and when federal loans, insurance payouts, and other relief funds are approved. Loan agreements are capped at approximately two months of current revenue and provide six months of no interest and no payments, followed by 48 months of principal and interest payments at 5.5% interest.
North Dakota
Development Fund Loans. Loans and equity investments are available to companies certified as primary sector under the North Dakota Development Fund, Revolving Rural Loan Fund and the Venture Capital Program. Loans are available for up to $1 million, lower than market interest rate, and can be in the form of a loan or equity investment. Funding can be used for working capital, equipment or real estate.
JobsOhio Innovation Fund. JobsOhio will allocate up to $50 million total for entrepreneurial businesses, and partner with Ohio’s current network of venture investors to provide loans into highest priority innovative investor-backed companies.
JobsOhio Rapid Development Initiative. JobsOhio staff reaching out to eligible companies.
Workforce Retention Loan Program. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
Manufacturing Reboot Program. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.) An incentive program for Oklahoma manufacturers to assist existing Oklahoma manufacturers as they retool to develop new products and/or expand current capabilities to address the effects COVID-19. Awards range from $25,000 to $150,000, depending on market potential and long-term impact of the new production capabilities on Oklahoma’s economy. Program funds are capped at $5 million total.
Business Resources Landing Page Business Oregon and General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Stabilization Fund. The Oregon Small Business Stabilization Fund will provide funds to nonprofit organizations in Oregon that provide loans or grants to small businesses particularly affected by the outbreak of COVID-19.
COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program. Fact Sheet (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
Puerto Rico
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Rhode Island
Emergency Grants and Funding. Grants and loans available in different regions of the state and for different industries, made available by sub-state and private entities.
South Carolina
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
South Dakota
Small Business Relief Fund. Provides no-interest loans of $5000-$75,000 for small businesses with less than 250 employees for normal business operating expenses.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Assist Her Emergency Relief Grant. Texas Women’s University offers a $10,000 grant to help sustain women-owned businesses. Funds can be used for technology upgrades or other items needed to change or adapt the business model and/or Operating expenses (excluding payment of sales tax, payroll, purchase of food for consumption, penalties and fees, and charitable donations).
Small Business Bridge Loan program. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.)
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Some localities (e.g., Harrisonburg, Marion, Bristol) have created their own small business assistance programs; further information available here.
Working Washington Small Business Emergency Grants . (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.) Up to $5 million in funds are provided through the Governor’s Strategic Reserve Fund and administered by the State Department of Commerce. The grant program will provide a limited number of businesses with 10 or fewer employees with a grant up to $10,000.
Seattle Office of Economic Development’s Small Business Stabilization Fund. (As of April 17, applications were no longer being accepted; check site for further updates.) Used $2.5 million in federal CDBG funds to award $10,000 to 250 eligible small businesses selected through a lottery.
West Virginia
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
Small Business 20/20 Program. Provides grant funds to approved community development financial institutions (CDFIs). Approved CDFIs will award grants of up to $20,000 to their existing loan clients to assist with cash-flow challenges resulting from COVID-19.
Hmong Emergency Loan Program. Provides emergency loan funds between $5,000 and $10,000 to be primarily used for working capital to cover rent, payroll, and other fixed expenses. The applicant must be an existing business in operations for a minimum of two years located in a low to moderate-income tract or be a minority-owned business located in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation Fast Track Loan and Line of Credit Program. Provides loans of $5,000-$15,000 with a 60-month term and Lines of Credit between $5,000-$10,000 with a term of 12 months.
Business Resources Landing Page. General information about resources for business in the state.
National Governors Association
National Conference of State Legislatures
State Actions on Coronavirus Relief Funds
HUD: CDBG program
US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant. Guidelines for Eligible Activities to Support Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Response.
House of Representatives Manufacturing Caucus List of Resources
This site provides an extensive list of Manufacturing Resources, including Sourcing for Supply Chain Responses; Critical Suppliers for PPE, respirators, masks, and ventilators; information from various Manufacturing Institutes and other manufacturing organizations; and Funding Opportunities.
MultiState provides a reference to updates and information issued by state and key local agencies and policymakers that is updated daily.
Specs for Needed PPEs/Medical Supplies
This site, a comprehensive, searchable PPE-Info Database, serves as a compendium of Federal regulations and consensus standards for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The site is provided by the Centers for Disease Control.
This open source site on Google Docs includes links to manufacturing specifications for PPE, medical supplies, devices, and FAQs.
BIO (Biotechnology Innovation Organization)
BIO Coronavirus Hub will connect those companies that have relevant supplies, capacities, and resources to share, with those companies, researchers, or healthcare providers that need them. The portal connects in real time through customized announcements and is searchable by keywords. Connections for medical supplies will be facilitated in partnership with Healthcare Ready to ensure an organized and optimized allocation of items in need.
Council of Development Finance Organizations (CDFA)
The CDFA COVID-19 Resource Center is a collection of financing programs and resources to address disaster relief and recovery.
Coronavirus Response: A Roadmap to Reopening by Scott Gottlieb
Government Technology Magazine
Small Business Administration
Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness
CREC did a program evaluation for the Treasury Department’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). Check out the list of best practices with links identified along the left side of this page. The final evaluation report, including Executive Summary, is available here.
NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership Centers
How MEP Can Help Mitigate Impacts on Manufacturers (brief)
Updated edition of the “MEP National Network: Meeting the Challenge”
To contact your MEP Center, click here.
Rhode Island Commerce
COVID-19 Tech Support — access to a free 45-minute tech support session for small businesses and sole proprietors via zoom or conference call.