Aligning Strategies: Lessons from Six States (2 of 2 Webinars)

5:00 pm EST

Recording can be found here.

Slides can be found here.

Strategy alignment is essential in the fragmented world of economic development. Join us for two webinars to learn how teams from six states have driven toward improved alignment between economic development districts and state economic development agencies through a policy academy process guided by the Center for Regional Competitiveness (CREC) and funded by EDA. Each webinar will provide an opportunity for the three teams to share highlights from their 9-month journey:

• Idaho, Louisiana and Michigan will present on February 8th at 4 pm (CT), and

• Colorado, Kansas and Wisconsin will present on February 15th at 4 pm (CT).

Please join us to learn how these six states used the academy process to improve their regional competitiveness by enhancing the alignment of state and regional strategies and actions.