Final EDA Project Reports
CREC has developed a series of reports on the Statewide Planning Grants.
Case Studies
2022 SEDE Network Survey Results
To better understand how states were using the Statewide Planning Grants, CREC, in partnership with the State Economic Development Executives (SEDE) Network, conducted a survey of states during the summer of 2022 to learn how the $1 million grant funds were being used at that time. A blog summarizing these initial survey results can be found here. You can see how grants were spent at the regional level, below:
2021 Initial Survey Results
CREC conducted research in 2021 into how states were planning on using the Statewide Planning Grants and Tourism Grants that were awarded as part of the 2021 ARPA legislation. A blog on the results of this preliminary research is available here.
The materials included on this webpage were prepared by the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness using Federal funds under award ED21HDQ3070060 from the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Economic Development Administration or the U.S. Department of Commerce