State Economic Development January Webinar


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International Trade as a Component of the State’s Economic Strategy


January 11, 2022

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM ET


The recent supply chain challenges have spotlighted the central role that international trade plays in our state and local economies and the importance of developing a comprehensive international trade strategy. International trade is 12 percent of our nation’s gross domestic product and supports millions of good paying jobs.

Please join the State International Development Organizations (SIDO), the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC) and the State Economic Development Executive (SEDE) Network for a webinar on how state international trade development offices and Economic Development Districts (EDDs) can coordinate on the development of a comprehensive international trade strategy, including promoting exports, attracting FDI, and mitigating supply chain disruptions.



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Stefan Pryor, SEDE Chair,

Secretary of Commerce,

State of Rhode Island

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Andy Karellas, Executive Director, State International Development Organizations (SIDO)



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Bob Isaacson, Senior Vice President, Center for Regional and Economic Competitiveness (CREC)

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Barrett Haga, Senior Engagement Administrator, Economic Development Administration (EDA)

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Gabrielle Gerbaud, Executive Director, Minnesota Trade Office and Chief Protocol Officer for the State of Minnesota

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Wade Merritt, President and State Director of International Trade, Maine International Trade Center

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Nicole Griensewic, Region Nine Development Commission, State of Minnesota


The SEDE Network Steering Committee includes: Stefan Pryor (RI), Chair; Sandra Watson (AZ), Vice Chair; Julie Anderson (AK); Mike Preston (AR); Kurt Foreman (DE); Don Pierson (LA); Kelly Schulz (MD); Kevin McKinnon (MN); Chris Chung (NC); Alicia Keyes (NM); Michael Brown (NV); Andrew Deye (OH); Dennis Davin (PA); Adriana Cruz (TX); Joan Goldstein (VT); Mike Graney (WV). 


For further questions on this content or for information on the SEDE Network contact Marty Romitti, CREC Senior Vice President, at
