International engagement is an important component of a state and region’s economic growth and should be a critical component in your strategic planning. The two key elements of international engagement are exporting and foreign direct investment (FDI) which are major drivers of economic growth, accounting for over 26 percent of U.S. GDP and supporting millions of good paying jobs.
Every year state economic development offices develop an international engagement strategy outlining their plan to promote exports and attract foreign direct investment. The annual strategy includes their trade missions and shows, target industries for attracting foreign investment, and other invaluable information. The strategy is a platform to enhance collaboration between state, regional and local economic development offices around their shared mission. During this webinar, state trade offices will discuss how they develop their respective annual plans and coordinate with their regional and local economic development partners.
- Andy Karellas – moderator
- Wisconsin
- Katy Sinnott, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
- Barb LaMue, President & CEO of New North Inc.
- California
- Maria Onorato and Claire Gordan, California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz)
- Troels Adrian, Senior Vice President of Economic Development, Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC)
You can view the recorded webinar here.